Ion Exchange Resin

Ion exchange is the reversible interchange of ions between a solid (the ion exchange resin) and a liquid. Since they act as "chemical sponges", ion exchange resins are ideally suited for effective removal of contaminants from water and other liquids. This technology offers a number of advantages in industrial water demineralization and softening, wastewater recycling and other water treatment processes-including high water recovery, low volume of waste and operational flexibility. Ion exchange resins are also used in a variety of specialized applications such as chemical processing, pharmaceuticals, mining, and food and beverage processing.
Fine Mesh
   For the high levels of selectivity, consistency, and relability in column separations, an idea choice is PURELITE™ spherical fine mesh ion exchange resins. PURELITE fine mesh resins are produced by selectively controlling the suspension polymerization technology used to produce our standard 16 - 50 mesh industrial resins. 
Inert Resins
   Inert resins are used in systems requiring special hydraulic considerations.
Mixed Resins
   Mixed resins offer a convenient solution for applications which require a mixture of two components, typically strong acid cation and strong base anion resin. 
Strong Acid Cations
   Strong acid cation resin is used for water softening in the Na cycle and for demineralization when the temporary hardness in the feed is < 40%. 
Strong Base Anions
   Strong base anion resin type I as a single resin is particularly recommended for treating low FMA (Free Mineral Acid) water with high silica and where low silica leakage is required (-20 ppb in counter-current operation). 
Weak Acid Cations
   Weak acid cation resin is used as a single resin for dealkalization in the H cycle and for brackish water softening in Na cycle.
Also used in foodand pharma processing. 
Weak Base Anions
   Weak base anion resin is used as a single resin to obtain partially deionized water without removal of CO2 and SiO2.
Also used in food and pharma processing. 


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